Tuesday, 18 February 2025

7mm Stroudley Passenger Locomotive Lining transfers now available.

 I have just received the production sheets for the 7mm Stroudley Passenger Locomotive Lining.

These are available for £37.50 persheet plus £2 postage.

There is enough on each sheet for approx. 3 models ie one tender locomotive and tender and one tank locomotive. 

7mm Lettering to add names for both tank and tender locomotives are being printed next and should be available soon.

I shall be working on other scales next as well as Carriage, wagon and goods livery transfers next.

Some close ups.

Monday, 21 November 2022

1 Intro - The new home of E.B.Models

We have decided to close the website as it was costing us all the years profits to keep it! This blog area will be regularly updated with all available information. Please bookmark this and remove the old site. 

Cheers, Ian and David

November 2022

All enquiries and orders should be sent to:

email: ianmaccormac@hotmail.com

post: E.B.Models

1, Arundel Avenue,





Please note: cheques and postal orders should be made out to Ian MacCormac

Bank transfer details and Paypal on receipt of email

takes you to a folder where you may view all the old info.

To get better page clarity, as they are jpegs of the old web pages, click on the title of a page, and then the page itself, which brings up a larger image for clearer reading. Use your 'back' button to get out or hit the 'x' if you're using your phone/tablet.

Please scroll down and 'read more' for each page and 'Further Posts' for other pages.

Clicking on the E.B.Models at the top of the section gets you back to the first page again.

19 sections of information as of now.

Further details may be obtained by email.

Many thanks, 

Ian and David

2 Exclusively Brighton Models Price List as of February 2025

3 Sussex


4 Single Rebuilds


5 Belgravia Class


6 Stroudley Singles


7 Richmond Class


8 D2 Class


9 C Class


10 C1 Class


11 E3 0-6-2T


12 18/21 0-4-2T


13 Craven Slaughter Standard Goods


14 Tenders


15 Carriage Kits


16 W-Irons


17 Transfers


18 Locomotive Parts


7mm Stroudley Passenger Locomotive Lining transfers now available.

 I have just received the production sheets for the 7mm Stroudley Passenger Locomotive Lining. These are available for £37.50 persheet plus ...