Sunday, 7 November 2021

The new page for EB Models.

 Being only a very small concern, it seems barmy to be paying more than a year's profit from sales to a hosting service just to keep a website going. We will move all the info about EB Models here so that it can still be seen by everyone but it won't cost.

Things are still be developed in the background. David will be introducing some things in the coming year and I shall further develop the 3D printing of parts for the loco and carriage etches as well as a couple of different versions of existing types.

The Craven 153/4 loco designs are being completed for 7mm scale and there will be a 4mm scale version shortly as well as a Stroudley version utilising more 3D printing for the body parts.

7mm Stroudley Passenger Locomotive Lining transfers now available.

 I have just received the production sheets for the 7mm Stroudley Passenger Locomotive Lining. These are available for £37.50 persheet plus ...